A collage showing how to learn Kanji using various tools provided by the ILearnedKanji Web-App

Customize your study with our Interactive Quizzes So You Can Say ILearnedKanji!

Grab Some Coffee, It's Going To Be A Long Year

mascot girl studying Kanji
Having trouble Reading Japanese?

Screenshot of an example ILearnedKanji Kanji-App's Kanji Quiz questionSelf Study And Already know some Kanji or know none at all? Use ILearnedKanji customizable Kanji-Quiz to learn the Kanji you don't know. Learn some vocab that use these kanji and attempt to read. This is your Kanji Quiz.

Take the challenge to learn at least 5 kanji daily! Learn at your pace and enjoy watching your progress as you learn Kanji faster.

Are You Self-Studying And Not sure how to Learn Kanji?

Take a Kanji Test. See Kanji as it would be read within a sentence. The sentences will test your ability to recall readings, while building your vocabulary as you start recognizing and reading Kanji you learned previously!

Learn Kanji Smarter With ILearnedKanji Web-App

Study to boost retention and learn Kanji faster with a focused ILearnedKanji Kanji study
Recall rather than recognize Kanji by including many contexts to harden your Kanji knowledge ( including Kun- and On-Yomi )
Utilize mock tests to maximize your retention
Discover Radicals and Kanji to acquire more memory links making it learning faster and easier
Add your own sentences, remove readings, or add Kanji compounds of your own!
Customize how you learn Kanji with a complete, customizable Kanji Quiz

Make ILearnedKanji Kanji-Quiz your one-stop stop for realizing your ILearnedKanji dream!

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