Test Daily To Raise Your Kanji Powers

You must work hard to see results. You will be tested over that progress and in this you will know for certain how well you know vocab/Kanji.

Drill yourself until comfortable to take the 'Kanji Test.' Your score on the 'Kanji Test' will potentially 'unlock' new Kanji for the next session. Test carefully.

Choose your Review/Test and Options

Standard display of Quiz Selection screen

Fill in blanks and press Submit button

Example of Kanji Quiz Question

Review your answers

Example of Kanji card you recieve after answering a question

After answered all questions, press Finished! button

You can also choose to cheat if you don't want a negative mark on certain Kanji

Example display of ending a Kanji Quiz

That is all there is to it. There are other cool features such as logging quiz statistics!

You may also click on Kanji you have already tested over to view/edit the card.

After some time...

Check out your stats

Japanese Kanji graph example output

Menu Options Explained:

Quiz Types:

- Kanji Review
Kanji Review is much like Kanji Test, except that it doesn't count against you to answer incorrectly. It will automatically create the quiz without you entering in any information.
It is the preferred method for preparing for the Kanji Test.
- Kanji Test
This is the test that you need to pass in order to receive newer and more exciting Kanji. If you fail to correctly answer a question it WILL count against you and possibly hinder your ability to receive new Kanji.

Select Kanji Review or Kanji Test
Both are identical, only Kanji Test will count incorrect answers against you upon completion of the test. Best case scenario is completing with 100% accuracy.* This is easier to do if you are able to take the Review Quiz until you are comfortable and then immediately take the Kanji Test.

Under Quiz Selection Box is the dictionaries you have imported( top Menu=>File=>Import Dictionary )**
Max: The number of Kanji in that dictionary.
Status: ( Number Kanji Mastered In Dictionary ) / ( Number Kanji Quizzed Over In Dictionary )
The more Kanji you miss in the Kanji Test the greater the gap between these numbers. If not enough Mastered Kanji, you may not receive new Kanji until you raise the number of Mastered Kanji. You might still be able to receive new Kanji if you raise the number of Quiz Questions in View=>Profile Page.

Input Method ( Romaji / Hiragana / Mixed Kana ) for On/Kun-Yomi
It is HIGHLY discouraged to use Romaji. Likely to be removed in future versions
Hiragana only accepts Hiragana for On-Yomi and Kun-Yomi
Mixed Kana only accepts Katakana for On-Yomi and Hiragana for Kun-Yomi

Create Quiz And Continue Quiz Buttons generate your quiz
At any point during a Quiz you may save your progress, either by exiting the quiz or clicking on the 'Save Quiz' Button. You may then Click on the Continue Quiz to continue where you left off, or delete that one and start a new Quiz using the Create Quiz Button.

*You are allotted 'Cheat Points' Daily
You have a certain number of questions you may cheat to receive no bad marks on a given question
A 'Cheat' button will appear during your quiz if a Kanji has many readings. You may use this as many times as you want without losing 'Cheat Points'

**Only the English Dictionaries have been modified by hand
French, Portuguese, and Spanish dictionaries have no human overseeing them