Get Good Learning Kanji
Kanji contain a lot more information than what a typical English word may have. Not only a meaning but they also contain radicals or even whole Kanjis. You may use these to gain an idea of what a Kanji conveys, but it isn't always so strait-forward. You may also be able to correctly guess the On-Yomi reading given the components.
- 務「ム・つと.める」 - task, duties
- beforehand( 予 ) power( 力 ) and winter radical( 夂 ); Unfortunately, none of these give us a hint that the correct On-Yomi for 務 is ム, as in the word 外務(がいむ) foreign affairs.
- We can use the components to memorize what this Kanji looks like. Something you can think of to remember the 'story' of 務, task/duty
- "You need power(力) beforehand(予め) to do tasks/duties( 務 ) in winter ( 夂 ), since its REALLY COLD. Just wana sleep"
- With Kun-Yomi, you will normally simply memorize that a given reading equates a certain Kanji and know what its meaning is. 務める, to work(for), to serve.
The more information you gather from a given Kanji, immagined or othwerise, the easier it will be to learn. The more Kanji you know the easier it is to create these memory links. Even writing them a few times will help you in memorizing the parts and you can use that to peice together the meaning/readings.
Kanji Learning Customized For You
This app is your tool for learning Kanji. Every card that is given during your Kanji Reveiw/Test are already created for you, but you may also make each your own by modifying one or many cards, even removing a given reading if you so choose. Create your own menmoncs or add sentences you like. It is all customizable for your studies.
You are restrained to reviewing/testing over a minimum of 20 cards and an absolute 5 new Kanji( this cannot be changed ) per session. You may increase the max number of old cards you see if you choose. 40 cards per session gives you some review over old ones you may have forgotten while giving you review on more fresh Kanji also. If you stick to only 20, you may not review older cards very often... On top of that, we allow you to cheat daily so...